The fullness and life that spring offers makes me so energized this time of year! I am so thankful for all the beauty around me and the gift of being able to live another day….To be a blessing and to give thanks!
The month of March flew by so quickly, but we always seem to feel that these months do. So many wonderful things have been happening in our home since last month and God continues to bless our family as we continue to trust Him fully and completely.
I was approached last month, and offered a wonderful opportunity to work under one of the veterinarians on campus…I have attended two day seminars so far to learn techniques and the new ultrasound machine she had just purchased. Upon completion of a few online IUCAC courses and exams I plan to start research at the end of this semester along with the internship I will also be working this summer at the vet school/teaching hospital.
Jeff continues to enjoy his job working at the vet school. He finds more time to work out and do the things he enjoys around the house and with friends. Jeff has always had a green thumb and keeps our yard lush and green and his vegetable garden is full of life and healthy foods for our family. Just as he has been working in his garden I have also been working in the flower beds around the house. I’ve enjoyed the new blooms and anticipate blooms to come; our home is full of life, inside and out!
Of course there is always little miss Esther! She’s been quit the handful this month since she has been able to crawl and walk, holding on to stationary objects. As persistent as she is I can’t help but think, “She’s definitely my child”!!! This month she has had three ear infections along with teething…this equals a busy home, that’s for sure. She had a follow up Doctors appointment this week only to find that we are, "not out of the woods yet," and will be on another round of antibiotics for 10 more days before the next follow up. Please pray for healing this month. She's been such a trooper and hardly skips a beat.
Esther’s ears haven’t stopped her from this month’s exciting explorations and milestones. Esther helps feed and monitor the dogs while they eat and enjoys watching her fish tank in the mornings with daddy.
Now that she has mastered standing, walking and balancing holding on to stationary objects she has decided this month to take numerous leaps of faith by standing up then letting go to see if she can stand on her own. She laughs each time she plops to her rear end, only to try over and over again. She works on balancing with little support, and walking (with help) at the day care each day. The girls are so wonderful with her and also continue to incorporate her signs just as we do at home.
New signs learned this month include:
- Dog
- More
- Fan
Last month we had 2 teeth…this month we now have 4, with 2 more emerging! She’s discovered new noises to make with her mouth and enjoys mimicking us with a variety of sounds, including but not limited to coughing, blowing bubbles and using her wrist to make a “blah blah blah” sound with her lips. With new teeth she is able to take baby bites out of apples as well as other fruits and vegetables. We continue to make our own baby food and have begun to introduce table foods this month as well. She feeds herself soft fruits, cooked peas, carrots, egg yolks and noodles, cheese, dried yogurt, arrowroot cookies and just about anything cooked and edible. We’ve been so blessed with the abundance of food that we’ve made and for the opportunity to still be breast feeding well into our tenth month. God is good!
She has learned to wave and say “bye-bye” this month and enjoys driving her car and riding the pony at school.
Her favorite way to sit, with her feet in the seat…I think she needs a little drivers education. |
Reading books and playing chase are two very fun pastimes in our home on the weekends and evenings after work. Esther squeals with laughter when mommy and daddy chase her around the kitchen island, and once caught…..let’s just say, she’s very ticklish! Our hearts just melt with love and sheer joy when she’s all smiles and laughter.
Books, books, books and more books….this girl LOVES to read! She points to any book she sees and wants you to sit and read with her and enjoys turning the pages. I’m positive we have a “book worm” on our hands; she could sit and read for at least an hour or more at a time.
We’ve packed and stored away her bottles; she no longer drinks from them since she has mastered her Sippy cup and drinks her morning milk and afternoon water from her cup.
Our first school photos were taken with real bunnies for Easter! Esther posed pretty for the camera and our first photos were a success. Our precious baby girl continues to grow up so very fast…it’s difficult to think that in just a few short months she will be one year old. Jeff and I have learned so much as parents and couldn’t be more excited for Gods plans in our life and for what He has in store for us next month.
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9 months Old (March 2012) |
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